Islamic marriage advice and family advice

Tag Archive for ‘affair’

Badly heart broken by my husband’s cheating

I am still not able to digest this that when I was carrying my husband’s child in my womb, he was making fun with some other girl.

Why NO punishment for cheating spouse?

Why is there no punishment? Why is she not to be killed?

My father is cheating

I have proof but I don’t know what to do about it.

Wife is involved in haram relationship

Before marriage she told me that she was raped… After marriage I came to know that she lied to me and in fact she had been involved in adultery for two years.

Help!! My parents’ marriage is in trouble!!

I want them to live together. Even I know that it is not possible to live like they used to do before.

My mum is cheating on my dad

I really don’t know what to do and cannot take it anymore, I try to forget but I can’t, every time I see my mums face, I know what’s going on and it hurts so much.


I feel that I can no longer contain myself after holding my emotions for so long.

My mother is having an affair

I know that the things she’s doing is haram and I am unable to do anything. I am so afraid and worried.

About sins before marriage with married woman?

I am ready to marry her… already she did nikah over phone with me… how can I get my sins to be forgiven by Allah?

Cheating husband and unsupportive in-laws

He’s cheating again. I can’t stay this time but feel guilty for leaving too because of the kids. I’ve told his family but they side with him.