Islamic marriage advice and family advice

Tag Archive for ‘afraid of husband’

Alcoholic and cheating husband

My husband loves his alcohol and loves trying out different girls… he has beaten me up a lot, tried killing me a few times, treats his kids badly…

Verbal/emotional abuse a few months into nikah

There are times that I am scared of physical abuse… I feel that the respect in our relationship is gone.

I need to know if it is a normal marriage

Trust me I do whatever he says, whenever he says. We dont fight like a normal couple because I don’t complain or misbehave with him, and I am being completely honest to you about it. I just can’t start an argument, because even our light discussions change his tone and anger him, so how can I fight? I am just too ‘scared of him’. Yup, that’s the word. I shouldn’t be, but I am.

My husband watches porn but I’m afraid to confront him

I know my husband watches porn, though he denies it. I can’t talk to anybody about this, even though its killing me inside. I don’t want to even talk to him or see his face.