Tag Archive for ‘anal sex’

Will angels curse me if I refuse my husband oral / anal sex?
I don’t like these acts and have made it clear to him… Now he is angry with me.

Hadd punishment?
My friend needs help, he is very upset so please read out following case and share what is Order according to Quran and Hadith…

Dying with guilt from repeated mistakes and zina
I don’t think any man would want his wife who has affairs like this. I’m so troubled.

Anal Sex with a woman other than your wife
I had Nikkah but am not married to my wife as my marriage ceremony will be in few month. I had by mistake anal sex with a woman who is one of my girlfriends.

Caught husband hiding porn on his phone
Then one day he was acting very suspicious with his phone -he kept hiding it and smiling at the same time. Something told me to grab his phone and I did. I found so much porn, also pictures of women’s backsides. I’ve never had low self esteem in my life, nor was I ever depressed.

Husband will leave me if I don’t have anal sex.
From last month onwards I’m worried! Because of some problem in our sexual life- for example, he wants anal sex.!! But I’m not interested and as an Muslim, won’t it be seen as an unacceptable act in Islam???

I had anal intercourse with my husband while I was drunk
my friend got me orange juice which wasn’t orange juice i found out next morning. and after that they keep getting me that. i have few glasses and got really badly drunk.

Questions about sex in marriage
1. Is oral sex allowed in Islam between husband and wife?
2. Is anal sex allowed if the wife gives permission?
3. Can a married couple have sex in other rooms of the house, for example in the bath?
Sex the wrong way by mistake, what should we do?
I’m married since 7 months & I know that to have sex from back is haram. But by mistake my husband have done that. Now what we can do?