Tag Archive for ‘arranged marriage’

Should I let my future partner know about a previous relationship?
I know that it is not recommended Islamically, but I’m confused what to do regardless.

Can I divorce my husband without a valid reason?
I have been with my husband for ten years but I cannot “get over” my ex. I feel this is unfair to my husband but I cannot help my feelings!

I was forced to marry my cousin, who’s been absent since!
My husband has been away for as long as I’ve been married to him, and this marriage wasn’t even my idea. I feel stuck.

Parents forced our marriage but I haven’t seen him for four years!
My parents keep saying things like “What are people going to say about us?”

My enraged husband has abandoned me at my parents’ place!
My husband went into a rage whenever I brought up the idea of visiting my parents. Now, he’s flipped a switch and abandoned me at my parents’ while I’m having a miscarriage!

We are living separate lives even though we are married
I was never shown what he earns or where he spends, while he has complete control over my salary! I have also caught him multiple times talking to girls through a dating site. I have come to the point where I feel separation is the only way I could get some peace.

Getting pressured to marry someone I hate, I want to die
I recently turned 18. I am being pressured to marry a first cousin who I hate because he bullied me all through my childhood. I want to die now because I feel like I would be eventually forced to say yes.

Pressured into marrying a woman I do not love
It has been 30 days since then I am living like in hell. I do not find my wife attractive. I avoid her all the time.

Should I have sex with a man I’m only with for citizenship?
We do not have our legal papers in the United States, so we paid for arranged marriage. I was now legally divorced in the States with my main husband but we still lived together and the whole family understands we were only divorced for papers.

My husband loves me, but I don’t like him
ven now after almost two years of trying to like him, things still haven’t changed. His family is amazing and he also is really nice, but I feel like we’re just not compatible. I’ve tried telling him, but he says he loves me and I shouldn’t think this way. He is trying his best to make it work but I just can’t do it anymore.