Islamic marriage advice and family advice

Tag Archive for ‘chaste wife’

Hardships of Nice Muslim finding a nice Muslimah

I am a 23 year old practicing Muslim. I have kept myself chaste and pure for Allah and for whoever my future wife will be. I have also always told whoever I met that I am looking for a chaste, pious Muslimah which is like myself a virgin, prays, and is an active Muslim (as it states implicitly from Surah Al-Noor Ayats 4 and 26…somebody similar to me). I know that I would not be able to live with such knowledge and would not be able to trust a person who in the past had no problems doing such a thing (what makes it so they couldn’t do this in marriage if then). In the end this would turn to a relationship that I would be unhappy with, depression would arise (and has) and hence treat that person unfairly or look at them differently and I fear Allah too much to be unjust to that person.