Islamic marriage advice and family advice

Tag Archive for ‘choice’

Mum does not want my wife

I do not want to see my mum angry with me for not divorcing my wife and too I do not want Allah anger for divorcing my wife for simple reasons.

Fate and sin

If our fate is written on shab-e-miraj then everything that we do is written by Allah…?

How to tell my parents that I want to marry the man I choose?

I know my parents are scared and protective about me. They love me alot. But I want to marry the man I love.

What will be best path for me?

I am confused because I will pass out from university from next week and I only have 1 week to tell my class mate that I wants my life with her.

Chose mum over the girl of my dreams

I know islamically that parents know best etc and that jannah lies beneath the feet of your mother which is why I felt I had to as she wasn’t happy. I still love this girl however and I don’t know how to get over her.