Tag Archive for ‘choosing a wife’

Parents are trying to force me away from the girl I want
I have been researching about solutions for all this, and I found that it’s my right, as well as my duty, to make the right decision for myself…but my parents say that they don’t care about Qur’an and Hadith. They actually blame me that I am hiding behind all this to serve my agenda.

I want to marry a girl who is Islamic scholar
My parents are tired looking for girl as I like, they are forcing me now marry general educated girl, but I am absolutely not interested about general educated girls.

My family are not letting me marry the girl I want!
I don’t want my relationship with my family to be bad because of a girl but at the same time I love this girl and I can’t let her go.

What if my prospective bride is not beautiful?
What decision should i make if all islamic/sharia criterions complied with my proposal except for the bride’s beauty?