Islamic marriage advice and family advice

Tag Archive for ‘consequences’

Pregnant but worried my addiction will affect baby

Will my baby be bad like me? Will the baby have mental or behavioural problems because of my addiction?

I said a bad dua for my brother…now what?

I am guilty in that I gave bad dua to my brother and also my mom is in the wrong because she cursed me for no reason.

In debt and surrounded by non-practising in-laws

There is no barakat in my house and I try to keep my children away from it but I can’t. I’m struggling…

I swore on my husband and ALLAH, but I broke the oath

Will my nikkah or my husband bear the consequences of breaking the oath if I don’t do kaffarah?

I promised Allah that if I returned to my sin, HE can make me infertile

Aoa everyone. I hope this msg will find you in best of ur health and high spirits. I am very much mentally disturbed because I broke a promise to Allah not for once but for several times.