Islamic marriage advice and family advice

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In-law interference breaking my marraige

I have a serious issue of in law interference and maltreatment, which has become so overwhelming for me that now i think taking a divorce is the best option for me. I am suffering to such a point that this psychological torture is having an effect on my health.

My parents will disown me if I don’t divorce my husband

My mother refused to arrange a wedding party because my husband was not from the same country and she felt it was an embarrassment… 2 years later they have told me I either divorce him or forget that they are my parents.

I have different ideals than my family

I am not talking to my mother, I don’t feel happy in the house and I want to get out. I have different ideals than my family.

Getting married to someone from a different culture

Please tell me if I should go ahead with proposing for marriage through her parents, even though my parents right now won’t accept it? I have spent all my life praying to Allah to bless me with a Muslimah wife like her.

Tired of this marriage, I feel like my world is falling apart

He has been in this country for a little over a year and still expects me to drive him to work every day and if I refuse (because it isn’t my responsibility to drive him every day to work), he starts disrespecting me and saying that I will end up in the streets and I am 32 years old (I’m actually 30) and my life is a waste and that he will tell all his relatives against me.

Muslim parents and a pregnant non-Muslim wife.

I need to know what Islam has to say about my situation given that my parents only hated the girl because she was a non-muslim and because they were concerned about their image among the people of the community. I was happy with my wife and the fact that she was pregnant and I was very motivated and positive about life and now everything is just dark and I just want to end my life to put an end to my suffering

His father doesn’t accept me

I don’t want to feel like that but I do and I can’t help it. I know that wives are easy to find and family can’t be replaced but still doesn’t hurt less for knowing it.
Please give me your wise advice, this is making ill and I am Suffering too much.
Thank you for your time.

His parents won’t let him marry me, I’m at my wit’s end

I keep crying and praying to Allah to make them change their minds. Or to make me forget and heal. But my heart and mind both seem set on not giving up on this. I believe in my heart of hearts, that his parents have just misunderstood the entire situation and because of the aalim not being honest with them about it not being validated to perform Istikhara for others has made everything much more complex.

I want to marry him but his grandmother is against it because I am Pakistani

At his siblings wedding his grandmother somehow was told that her grandson wants to marry a Pakistani. She was very angry about this and had clearly told her grandson that he should forget about me, and she will not allow him to marry a Pakistani girl under any circumstances.

I lost him, just because of my father; he has agreed to marry someone else

I was 19 years old. I was proposed to and waited for a man for 6 years. I am now 26 years old. This year his parents came to my house to ask for my hand my dad told them no. We come from same culture except we speak different dialects.