Tag Archive for ‘deen’
My husband is not emotionally fulfilling
We can spend hours on end together both on our phones, and I would prefer to be browsing online as our real life conversations are not of much depth.
Future marriage worries
I feel this person is suited for me in everything but religion. I am worried about my future and the type of household I will have.
Lost my deen and iman – no right to call myself a muslim anymore
I am too lost and too far into haram. Again, I don’t even feel guilty, regretful or even feel the need to repent. I’m not even sure I want to try and come back to being a good or even decent Muslim.
How to get more pious?
I want to perform all the 5 t times prayer along with tahajjud every day. How do I get better?
Faith, doubts, religion, Qadr/Predestination
I have been having doubts recently… I want to be firm in my faith and be convinced that all small or big things are act of God.
Should i marry this muslim man with gender dysphoria? Islamic view point?
Will I be completing his Deen or doing a good deed helping him fight shaytaan? Should I involve parents? Should I end this?
Drifting away from deen/Allah
I am angry, I am lonely… it is hard when everyone who sins is getting married and I am just waiting.
Should I marry someone I am not attracted to, just because he is good in his deen?
My mother started to tell me if i rejected his proposal without giving him a chance that i would be cursed by Allah…
Confused about choosing a spouse
I am asking for your advice on whether I should approach my cousin or continue searching for a better match?