Tag Archive for ‘despairing’

Homosexuality – Why such a hard test from Allah? Test or punishment?
Could someone please tell me – when would the help of Allah come to me? How would I know if it’s a test or am I getting punished?

Why did HE even create me?
God hates me. My family hates me. I have no friends. Everyone hates me. Even I hate myself more than anything.

I want to get married but I’m scared
After reading posts here I’m totally lost, shattered and very much scared to trust a person. I was thinking that Muslims can never cheat… I have lost hope of getting a person who can guide me in this world so as to reach Jannah…..

How do I overcome this? Please help me.
I have homosexual urges. I have been dealing with this since years and it’s making me weak on my knees. Please pray for me.

I’m being forced into a marriage – Please help me!
I expressed my feelings and they all told me that I either stick with this guy or I’ll end up being sent to my country in the Middle East to get married.