Tag Archive for ‘different cultures’

I want to marry my other half but his family won’t accept
His sister told me she and her family would spit on me and would never accept me because of the different culture.

He’s from a different culture…
I do not want to disobey my parents and go against their word, but is it not unfair and unjust that they may say no to me, based purely on his culture?

He has asked for my hand and says he knows in his heart “ALLAH” has answered his prayers and blessed him with me
On the third day we met on Skype, after about twenty minutes of talking with me he told me he loved me, because I am the woman “ALLAH” has chosen to bless him with, he said he knew it immediately when he saw my picture on my profile.

Marriage Between Christian and Muslim?
According to the Islam, does my family has right to forbid while religion allows us? Is there any sin for me and my family if I break her heart only because she is not arab?

why can’t my family accept my choice for marriage?
Ya Allah, is it my fault that there’s something about the Egyptians that intrigued me so much, and I’m attracted to them? Is it a sin to have different taste? I love this guy and I am serious this time, and he is successful and kind, etc. He plans to visit my country at the end of this year soon isA. I finally got my family to agree to meet him this time.

Seven years of online love story
I really love him too much more than I could think. My heart said that but the mind is shouting “is it reality? Is it possible to make it real?”. Now I´m so upset to think about when we can make it real and we disscuss about that. He said: you are always too fast to make the decisions, be patient, everything will be alright.

I’m confused if she will be a good trust worthy wife.
I’m in love with this girl since 2009, we met and i really liked her, she’s from philippines and she works in a hospital in middle east. I’m from South Asia lives in Canada. We used to meet every few days for six moths then I had to moved to another city and she also went back to middle east but we kept in touch through Internet …

Is haram if I marry a man and I feel for another one?
I’m in a very difficult dilemma… I met this boy one year ago, he seemed the perfect match, we both agreed to keep it the halal way, no touching etc. We love and respect each other a lot but the problem is that lately my mother has been giving me hints saying she’s going to find me a boy and that I shall get married soon…

I am 16, Muslim, and serious about marriage but I need advice on how to act
I am 16, and have just recently finished my GCSE’s. I am well educated and I hope that I get my results, so that I have a future in medicine.
A couple of months ago, I began a relationship with a Muslim girl from my school. We had to hide this from both families, and I think that it was the guilt and respect that made her (and then me)realize how wrong we were in our desires.

I’m Pakistani and she is Bengali and our families will not let us marry
I am confused. My girlfriend is Bengali and I’m Pakistani and we are very close and want to get married in a couple of years, but her parents want her to get married to a Bengali at the age of 19 as her family do not like Pakistanis. Why is this? As we are both Muslim so what is the problem with this? Why cant we get married?