Islamic marriage advice and family advice

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Child born of Zina

Hello, my story/question goes as follows: When I first married my husband I cheated on him for several years. I had become pregnant, I did not know who the child belonged to (my husband or the other person). My husband and I stayed together at first because we were not sure if it was his child or not.

I since have never cheated again and I ask Allah for forgiveness everyday. I also ask forgiveness from my husband. My son is now 6 years old and we found out through DNA test that he is indeed not my husband’s child.

The father of my 6wk son denies my child!

I’m a Christian girl, I’ve had a baby with my Muslim boyfriend but he denies that he is the father and refuses to take a DNA test. He has seen his son only once. His mum wants nothing to do with me or my son and tells everyone that it is not his child. I want him to be a father to his son. I don’t know the Muslim faith or how Muslim sons should be raised. What can I do?