Islamic marriage advice and family advice

Tag Archive for ‘dream meaning’

Marriage-related dreams…a product of my thoughts?

Are these really thoughts from my own mind to trigger my anxiety or are they a warning of some sort or shaytan?

Seeing place of taawaf

I saw it in my dream… where my ex and his family were sitting.

Dream interpretation

I keep seeing dirty toilets in my dreams…

Confusing istiqara outcome

I haven’t seen the guy I love in my dreams at all.

Filthy water

What does it mean if you dream about filthy water?

Dream interpretation

Does this dream mean something ?a warning or what?

Must read it’s about Holy Prophet Saw Dream

I have seen Holy Prophet since I was 10 years.

Istikhara Dream Interpretation

I did istikhara and had a vivid dream.

Istikhara interpretation

I am doing istikhara for marriage. Please advise me on the interpretation of my dream.

Istikhara Dreams Interpretation

I am not sure whether to interpret these dreams as good or bad…