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Tag Archive for ‘eid wishes’

Eid Mubarak!

Eid Mubarak to all our readers, blessed Eid, and may Allah accept our fasting and our prayers, and grant us our dua’, and forgive our sins, and make us among the people of Jannah.

As we enjoy ourselves on Eid, attending Eid salat by the thousands, satisfying ourselves with traditional sweets, and spending time with family and friends, let’s remember those who will continue to go hungry every day.

Eid Message from Imam Zaid Shakir

We have all been blessed to gather on the ‘Eid day in safety and security. We should never forget those who are gathering in the shadow of tanks and cannons.

Eid Mubarak 2012 / 1433 – Happy Eid from!

Tomorrow morning, Insha’Allah, me, my mother and father, and my daughter Salma – who is six years old now – will wake up early and put on our best clothes, Insha’Allah…