Tag Archive for ‘financial worries’

Afraid to keep the baby
I keep asking myself is it worth it to terminate my pregnancy for this job? I’m very afraid.

I feel like I’m wasting my time waiting for him to change
I always felt like he isn’t the one I could live my life with… Over the past year there is an ever growing distance between us.

Question about praying for suicide
I think it is time for me to pray that God soon sends death my way- as this would save both me and my family from grief.

Can’t get married…
My plan was to get a job, then prepare an apartment, then propose to her family which is in a middle eastern country. But then everything changed.

My life is in turmoil due to a messy divorce
I have left my abusive husband… please I request for everyone to do due for me at such a difficult time.

I don’t feel things will get better
You would think your partner would be the first to support you when you share something with him, but he doesn’t support me at all…

Mother in-law wants to move in
I love my husband and and I respect his mother, but there is just no way that I want to cram her into my life and one bedroom apartment.

Husband converted to Islam and is taking a second wife
I cannot accept the girl he marries in Muslim rite because as Christian we dont accept 2 wives. But if I don’t he won’t give us support.