Tag Archive for ‘freedom’

I am living the life of a prisoner with my husband
I married this man because he said he would be on my side, and now he is doing the exact opposite just because we have a daughter and he knows I can’t let her suffer.

How do I attain freedom without losing my contact with my parents?
I want to live in a world where I am happy wearing the clothes I want, being with the guy I want and seeing my friends and socializing when I want.

No freedom given by parents
I have to finish college work and get married. But for me I want to travel I want to be on my own so I can take care of myself.

Setting boundaries with husband and expecting acceptance
I feel my husband doesn’t trust me to allow me a break and I shouldn’t be with him. I’ve never cheated on him during our relationship and even gave up talking to friends (including my best friend) to please him. But the more I give up, the more he wants out of me. I also feel that I shouldn’t have to tolerate and accept his behavior, and the kids shouldn’t have to see that.

I need Islam to rescue me, but my Mother won’t accept me becoming Muslim or my Pakistani Internet love
I am confused about what what to do. I am a weak person and I know that without his help, I could never change myself and guide myself towards islam, since I am dependent on my mother and probably always be. Shall I leave my mother and sister for our ‘relationship?’ If my mother stops our plans of him coming here and then moving to his country Pakistan, I don’t know what to do.