Tag Archive for ‘girlfriend’

I am nothing without her
I hallucinate…when I close my eyes, I talk with her, and then after a certain period, she vanishes.

I’m 15 and I Want To Marry The Girl I Love
I’m 15 and i know that I’m young and i have been dating my girlfriend she is 15 for the past 1 and a half years…and i had committed zina kissing (no penetration). i want to marry her.

Girlfriend (sihr-magic) and marriage
I’m starting to think this sihr was maybe done by my parents to lie to me leaving my girlfriend because they didnt have any other way, but they ruined my life.

How do I approach a girl the Halal way?
Since dating as done by the non-Muslims is not allowed, how exactly to go about the courtship process?

My girlfriend was molested when she was 14, why didn’t she fight back?
Is she is good for me? Should i marry her? But she could have defend her self like she was not too little she was 14.

My parents are not agreeing to marriage with the one I love!
Can I leave my house to get married as I don’t want to do sin for more time and I want everything in shariah?

I really want her in my life
I cannot live without her I am not strong as she is. I feel that my life is just ended up…

Love him, but can’t marry right now
I know relationship is haraam in Islam but we just can’t stay away… we have no choice but to wait till the right time.

My boyfriend kissed my neck and I FEEL SO GUILTY
I don’t want to lose him but at the same time I don’t want to do something like this again.