Tag Archive for ‘halal or haram’
Breast implants after weight loss
I am unmarried… I am scared that my future husband will reject me.
New marriage – do I still need a divorce?
My friends think I’m not properly married, they don’t think I should wait for a divorce because there is no need for one and I should only have to wait three months because my “husband” forcefully slept with me.
Watching porn, masturbating, having a Muslim FWB
For me marriage is not an option. Praying to God, fasting, etc will not keep my sexual desires away.
The “New Hijab” styles
I have been thinking about the different types of hijab styles there are in the world/social media…
I saw a girl I really want to marry without a headscarf
Is it still permissible for me to marry her?
I need advice on crushes
I am 15. I want to be with her. I want to do this the Islamic and halal way.
Hiding Infertility Before Marriage
My husband intentionally hid his infertility. If I stay with him will this be a big regret of me?
Haram earning of family whose daughter I wish to marry.
I wish to marry her as I adore her but I have issues with this for three reasons…
Divorce and intention
If my husband said “I divorce you” and later says he didn’t mean it but lied, does it count as a divorce?