Islamic marriage advice and family advice

Tag Archive for ‘helping a friend’

How do I advise my friend?

Her pregnancy had complications and her husband doesn’t understand her.

Drug addicted bestfriend?

His father died. He went through a lot of grief and trauma and ended up being a drug addict. Is there any dua that might help him?

My best friend claims a boy is in love with her, but they have only talked for 2 weeks. I don’t know what to do.

She’s going against her parents, her brothers and ALLAH and she knows it, but can’t help it.

My friend has a sexuality problem and I don’t know how to help her

My friend is a girl and she likes girl. She told me that she hates herself because of her desire.

Dua for removing someone’s badness?

Is there anything I can do to save my friend and remove the badness of some of my classmates?