Tag Archive for ‘homosexual’

My brother is gay. How should our family approach this?
My gay brother has posted profiles on dating websites, all to meet men!

Homosexual urges and the role of Marriage
I desire very much to get married and have children (if Allah wills) however I fear that I will be miserable.

I’m confused I might be gay
I do want to marry a good Muslim girl one day… I can’t stop thinking that I might be gay.

Want to break a gay promise given to Allah
I can’t control myself since I have many friends calling me for the sex.

I need help – I’m gay.
I have never acted upon my inclinations. I fear that I will never lead a normal life.

My friend has a sexuality problem and I don’t know how to help her
My friend is a girl and she likes girl. She told me that she hates herself because of her desire.

Homosexuality issue may Allah forgive me
I’m married to a girl recently. My problem is when ever I get physical with her I lose my interest and am unable to fulfil her desire.

I’m become homosexual
I was raped by my teacher when I was 14. I have been committing zina from that time with my different friends.