Tag Archive for ‘husband drinks alcohol’
Need some guidance
I want to know that how can I separate from him when there was no proof of our marriage?
To Know Whether to Continue Marriage After Istikhara
My first istikharah reassured me to still keep my husband, but what were shown to me in real life were another zina…
My husband takes care of family but he drinks alcohol, please help
I hate my life, sometime feel guilty for his deeds. I am from a very Islamic family, I consider drinking a sin. Please advise me what to do.
My marriage crumbles after talking about my past
My husband demands me to tell him everything about my history before him so I did but he cannot handle it, he keeps telling me I´m nothing I´m useless I´m everything that is bad and he also can´t even kiss me.
In limbo with absent husband who won’t divorce
I got traded by my own father on some culturally backward promise and was married to a using Pakistani so that he could get to the UK. I have learned that my husband is definitely using drugs, cannabis and cocaine and he drinks alcohol. He shows no care or concern for the children and has become a stranger to them.