Islamic marriage advice and family advice

Tag Archive for ‘husband watches porn’

25 year old wife, I need help

Is there any other sister dealing with this?

Need help with my husband

I found out my husband has been watching pornography on the Internet. When I confronted him he told me to not go through his stuff and that he is going to keep watching it.

Unhappy and considering divorce

I am afraid if I do leave him now, he will tarnish my name and my families reputation.

My husband cheats on me repeatedly

Will he ever change? Or I have to just go on dragging my life forgiving him with a stone on my heart… I don’t know what to do…

Marriage and sex life problems

[This post is about sexual problems within marriage. Please observe Islamic limits and be aware that the topic is sensitive.]

My husband watches porn but I’m afraid to confront him

I know my husband watches porn, though he denies it. I can’t talk to anybody about this, even though its killing me inside. I don’t want to even talk to him or see his face.

I was his second wife, but now a third woman is calling him

Two years ago, I agreed to marry my husband as a second wife, he advised me he was engaged to another woman and still intended to marry her. I was so much concerned about her feelings and how that would affect his life and her life and he assured me that she was ok with it. All was wonderful except I found that a third woman was calling him all the time, anytime of day, and he even answered her calls in front of me.

I found some videos on his mobile, I don’t understand what went wrong

my husband is good in all the senses. he always keeps me happy. but recently i found out that he is watching videos of almost naked ladies. i saw these videos in his mobile, but when i asked him he denied it. he acted as if he didn’t even know about it. later he said somebody else did it which i know is a lie. i know it’s his. i could see that from his facial expression.

My husband has online relations with other women

I need advice and help, I feel so alone and confused. I met my husband online 4 years ago, a few times over the time we met I discovered he was talking online to females and joining wierd fetish groups for sexual relief. I would discover many times what he did, but I new deep down he is a good man and I stood by him believeing him every time he said sorry and that he had done tawba over his mistakes.

I find myself asking what I’m doing wrong. It’s not the obvious reason where people will say I dont give him sex, as I’m always the one asking and waiting for it. He is always tired because of work and when we do finally have sex he just jumps in the bath and wants to eat, whereas I want to lay down and cuddle and talk.