Tag Archive for ‘internet porn addiction’

I am a girl addicted to sex websites, I feel guilty
It all started when I was looking on the net and saw a sexual site. First I took a look at it and then I tried to convice myself that what I am doing is wrong. After years I still practise this terrible habit.

My husband has online relations with other women
I need advice and help, I feel so alone and confused. I met my husband online 4 years ago, a few times over the time we met I discovered he was talking online to females and joining wierd fetish groups for sexual relief. I would discover many times what he did, but I new deep down he is a good man and I stood by him believeing him every time he said sorry and that he had done tawba over his mistakes.
I find myself asking what I’m doing wrong. It’s not the obvious reason where people will say I dont give him sex, as I’m always the one asking and waiting for it. He is always tired because of work and when we do finally have sex he just jumps in the bath and wants to eat, whereas I want to lay down and cuddle and talk.