Islamic marriage advice and family advice

Tag Archive for ‘Legal marriage’

Should I have sex with a man I’m only with for citizenship?

We do not have our legal papers in the United States, so we paid for arranged marriage. I was now legally divorced in the States with my main husband but we still lived together and the whole family understands we were only divorced for papers.

Nikah without marriage?

By law in my country it’s illegal to get married under 18…

Married or not?

We believe we are married… Is our marriage recognised by Allah?

I’m worried about legal issues in my marriage

Is there a chance a 1st wife can file against my husband even though our marriage is legal attested and stamped?

Should I go ahead with the wedding?

We are getting married in the local mosque, but we are not registering the marriage in the register’s office because he is scared someone will find it out. Therefore, the marriage will not be legal, although for me it’s perfectly ok to be married in front of Allah the Almighty. But the thing is, he keeps being scared of reactions from his family over in pakistan, people losing respect for him, and repercussions against his siblings whom he feels responsible for.

How can I legalize my secret marriage?

I am a hanaf’i guy and I married a hanafi girl. The marriage took place without the knowledge of the walis of both parties.

Can I marry again, whilst going through my divorce?

Obviously it is not possible in the UK to be legally married to more than one woman. But I believe that it would be possible to go through the Islamic ceremony (Nikah) and perform the civil marriage at a later date. My hope is that this would mean that we were married in Allah’s eyes and could start our life together.

Is my marriage legal?

Good day,

I am new to this site, even to Islam. I was converted not that long ago.

My problem is this: I was married before as a Catholic, but unfortunately my wife got pregnant when I was working in kingdom of Saudi Arabia

How do I convince her to accept Islam?

I reverted to islam five years back. I got married through registered marriage recently to a non-muslim who said she would accept islam after marriage – but did not want her parents to know.

His parents are demanding that we conduct a fake marriage ceremony

My fiancee’s parents have found some “uncle” to do the nikaah and not an Imam, it can not be at the masjid, and they said in one year they would allow formal state wedding after they see how happy we are. I do not believe, how they want us to conduct, this situation is proper and neither does my fiancee.