Islamic marriage advice and family advice

Tag Archive for ‘lost virginity’

How to repent from losing my virginity in this way?

I was in my first ever relationship that lasted a few months, in the last month we both had oral sex and he broke my hymen.

I lost my virginity, I regret it.

I met this guy, he says he loves me and wants to marry me but in condition that he get married twice. I told okay but he told me I have to tell my family so I get what I deserve because he doesn´t wana lie to his family.

He promised marriage, but took my virginity and walked away

In the second year, we ended up doing zinaa which i hope Allah forgives both of us for that sin. He was the first man in my life and i was sure we would get married.. I did bleed and he promised that he would marry me. However soon after that, he told me that he wasn’t going to marry me…

He tricked me and used me for sex

I am in a desperate situation and need some advice. Last year i went onto a matrimonial site and met my ideal partner whom i wished to marry islamically. I have had a relationship with him for over a year and i repeatedly asked him to marry me as we may commit a sin. He kept saying to me that he was single and he would ask his mother about marrying me but she is not contactable at the moment as she has gone to the village in pakistan. It was all a lie.

Comitted Zina – What now?

I’ve had premarital sex with my boyfriend. I now deeply regret it. What shall I do to be forgiven? Am I able to be married?

Lost my virginity and I’m ashamed and tormented

When I was 16 years old, I got pressured to going to a party with some friends.. somethings entered my body which impaired my common sense and motor skills. That horrific night, i had my innocence stolen from me. All i could do was cry and shake uncontrolably.