Tag Archive for ‘love affair’
I fell in love with a married Muslim man…
I tried to keep myself away from him but my love took over my mind totally.
Leaving a girl for Allah
I don’t have any options and my friend is saying me to marry her and I don’t want to marry her.
How to forget Haram relationship
I want him to realise his mistake. And I want to forget all this completely.
About sins before marriage with married woman?
I am ready to marry her… already she did nikah over phone with me… how can I get my sins to be forgiven by Allah?
I have no love for my husband – I want to take divorce
I know even if I decide to live with my husband ,we can not carry this relation for long. I want to take divorce and marry the one whom I love!!
Is it impossible for us to do nikah?
My parents are saying that we would never be able to get married in Islam because I have committed zina with him while being in nikah with someone else.
Need words of advice and hope…
I got sexually abused by my uncle as a child… Of course this led me to committing zina… I even done an abortion…
He has gone back to his previous relationship
What do I do? Do I wait for him? If he wasn’t suppose to be in my life then why was I dragged into this?
Writing a novel about a sinful Muslim woman
I’m writing a novel about an Indian Muslim woman who has an affair with an American and has two children out of wedlock. What would be the consequences if this happened in real life?..
Can I marry a woman who converted to marry another man?
I wish to marry a woman who converted to Islam. Before her conversion she had a love affair with a Muslim man. He promised her to marry her if she became Muslim, but when she became Muslim, he cheated on her and married another girl. Now she is still a strong believer and follows Islamic principles.