Islamic marriage advice and family advice

Tag Archive for ‘loveless marriage’

My husband would rather work and play on Playstation than be with me

When my husband comes home from work he wants to sit playing on his play station or sit on his own with his earphones in.

Should I divorce or stay in this marriage?

My father knows a bit about our difficulties and suggests we separate not divorce. I am worried that wont solve my problems as I am now at the end of my tether.

In desperate need of advice related to marriage

I have been married to my cousin from the previous 3 years. I am extremely unhappy… my mental and physical health have deteriorated and my finances are in a horrible state.

My husband isn’t happy and I’m not either.

This marriage started out ok but is just deteriorating more and more with every passing day.

Istikhara meaning and interpretation

From the very beginning I have been having problems with my husband. We just don’t have the love between us.

Unhappy marriage… what should I do?

The only reason we are still together is because of the kids and because he knows if I leave him nobody will marry him.

My husband confuses me!!

I have not had a day of true happiness since I’ve been with my husband.

Hard time dealing with Married Life

I did istikhara before deciding to tie a knot. And I initially consider everything will of Allah. It is getting worse now.

My marriage is literally driving me crazy

My husband has totally broken me mentally. I mean nothing to him.

Divorce or stay??

We have no love, no understanding, no happiness and no desire for each other.