Tag Archive for ‘Lying husband’

My husband watches my mother sleep but says it’s magic!
My husband has betrayed my trust with a very shameful behavior…how can I go on knowing he does this?

My husband is committing zina with the same woman before and after our marriage
After 1 year and 5 months of being engaged, we finally got married February 2016. Everything went well at first. However, I am slowly learning that there are things that was wrong. I was never introduced to his family.

Lying, drug-using husband wants me to move to Iraq
i have been married to my husband for 6 years and it has been an awful marriage. He was a failed asylum seeker from Iraq.

Need help to stop husband’s repeated infidelity
My parents opinion is to stay silently – at least the child will get father’s name. But I am not able to live with this person.

Hard time dealing with Married Life
I did istikhara before deciding to tie a knot. And I initially consider everything will of Allah. It is getting worse now.

My secret husband is a drug addict
He quit flirting and drugs when we got in relationship and promised never to do it again. I am observing signs everyday that he’s lying and hiding stuff.

Cheating and lying husband, help needed
He used to hit me a lot and abuse me… Things got better but after the death of his first wife, he’s become the same. I’ve contacted some Maulanas and they’ve all told me he’s having an affair outside.

Remarried and unhappy
This marriage is worse than the marriage I had with my ex husband. Sometimes I really regret the fact that I got divorced from the father of my children who is married now to another woman and will soon become father.

Husband’s lies are mental abuse
He lied about his previous wives and children. I am so upset and mad. I don’t know how to stop thinking about it.

I love my husband’s brother
I know it is not haraam (sin) to marry my husband’s brother, after my iddah(waiting period) is complete, but is this a trashy custom?