Tag Archive for ‘masturbating’
Intimacy in a long-distance marriage?
Please note that I am aware that masturbation is haraam, but this is my wife whom I am looking at. What should I do?
Seeking repentance for my sins
I am 15 years old. I feel so guilty and ashamed… I am terrified I will go to hell.
I’m worried my husband will find out – CLOSED
Is there any possibility that my husband will know that I masturbate?
Feeling worthless – my mother keeps bringing up the past
Every time I did something wrong, she always brags that problem… I keep wondering whether I am worth to keep being alive or not because I’m just being a burden for my mother’s life now.
Is masturbation haram?
If it is where in Quran is it mentioned and if a person does it after iftar during ramadan what are the consequences?
Masturbation is my only option
I’m really desperate on a respond so please help me. If you believe masturbation to be forbidden then please explain to me for why it is that you believe masturbation to be “seeking beyond” (Quranic verse), also if you are againt masturbation; so is the semen of a young man supposed to stay inside of his body from the first day of production to the first sex experience with his wife?