Tag Archive for ‘masturbation in islam’

Masturbation and Watching Porn During Ramadan
I just wanna know the punishment for watching porn and conducting masturbation during ramadan (fasting) and for the voluntary fasting ? what is the effect of it toward one’s fasting ? Is his/her fasting still valid after masturbation or watching porn? If no, then what should he/she do ?

Masturbation and its Alternatives; Is Ghusl Necessary?
I am a girl having problem of masturbation. I found it unintentionally and I have been so addicted. Previously, I didn’t know that it is not permissible to masturbate so i just did it but after I came to know that this act is not permissible in Islam, I really want to stop. I also feel very guilty, dirty and low just every I did it.

Masturbation by a married man when his wife is away for some days
I am married since November 2010 and parents of my wife liver nearer to my house. My wife always visits her parents for 3-4 days fortnightly. Despite my extreme tries, I cannot control myself in her absence and usually masturbate. If I ask my wife not to stay for more than a day as she can return home easily, she never considers it.

How to control urges leading to masturbation?
I have started to masturbate at the age of 16 approx, and from then goes with the flow. Last year before Ramzan I stopped it and did not masturbate for about 6 to 7 months and believe me thats a lot to carry for a young blood. I am really not addicted to it but its just something which can not be controlled. Now a days i am really worried, even in Ramzan i am thinking bad but ALLHAMDULLILAH controled the desire.
Masturbation is my only option
I’m really desperate on a respond so please help me. If you believe masturbation to be forbidden then please explain to me for why it is that you believe masturbation to be “seeking beyond” (Quranic verse), also if you are againt masturbation; so is the semen of a young man supposed to stay inside of his body from the first day of production to the first sex experience with his wife?