Tag Archive for ‘mother-in-law’
Ruling on mother in law
When she came to visit us for the first time she was coming down off of heroin… I don’t want her around my baby like that. Am I just supposed to let her stay with us?
Husband abandoned kids and wife.
Me and my father went to their house but my mother in law asked my father to take me home, she didn’t want to keep me in the house and my husband says he doesn’t want any more disrespect of his parents.
Problems in Marriage and Mother In Law – Please Help
I have no one to speak to regarding this and just do not know what to do anymore.
Her husband tells every minor thing to his mother
My friend is living in a joint family system. Her husband doesn’t understand that some things can be kept secret without informing his mother.
Husband blames me for mother’s passing
I tried desperately to be there for him but instead he told me to get lost and said it was all my fault, I was to blame for her passing and he would never forgive me nor would he compromise for me or our son.
Mother in law making herself dependent on me.
She is turning over all her chores to me…. she is putting the burdens of her house on me.
My Husband is different after marriage
I want to fix things but I am losing hope as his behaviour becomes worse each day.
My mother in law embarasses me in front of my family
I have talked to my husband regarding his mother’s bad habit but he thinks it’s nothing wrong with it. He’s not realizing what i have to face later…