Tag Archive for ‘obedience to parents’

My father has chosen a husband for me who I cannot love
Of late my father has maade a decision for me that’s hurts me so much I can’t sleep at nyt. this decision is for me to get married to a man I do not love and can’t love. he says it because he loves mi that’s why he wnts me to be with this person but I do not love this person.

What is the rationale behind this hadith?
One of my friends was recently told about an incident in the life of Prophet (pbuh) by his father following a dispute. He was told that once, a man came to the Prophet (pbuh).

I wish to marry a man with whom I had a premarital relationship, but my parents won’t allow it because I am more educated than he is.
I wish to marry a man with whom I had a premarital relationship. My parents won’t allow it because I am more educated than he is.

Do I ALWAYS have to listen to my parents even if it goes against Allah’s rules?
I love my parents so much but they are very closed-minded to interracial marriages. My cousin said that the only time we are not supposed to listen to our parents is if they want us to commit shirk.

Mother won’t let me go to Quran center
My muslim mother (father is no more in this world) strictly stops me from learning Quran from a Quran Centre. I want to learn & spread Islam. What should i do?

His Parents Won’t Let Him Marry A Non-Pakistani Girl
I thought I found the perfect potential spouse who is also interested in me. However, his parents want him to marry a Pakistani, and wouldn’t even consider me because I’m white.

A Man Was Forced to Marry – Is it Valid?
I get this question about being “forced to marry” all the time, and I just want to say to people, “Take resonsibility for your own lives. Take responsibilty for your own decisions. I am addressing men in particular. If your parents pressured you by saying, “If you don’t marry her, we’ll kick you out of the house,” so you married her, well, you had a choice and you made a decision.