Tag Archive for ‘physical violence’
Father uses physical violence, so we reported him to law enforcement.
If we defend our mother, our father gets angry and beats us, but if we defend our father, our mother gets angry. What to do?
I Hit My Mother and Allah Will Put Me in Hell
All my life my mother has hated me. Now I know jannah does not wait for me.
I wish I hadn’t married her!
My wife is very nice to my family, my parents love her, my siblings are very nice with her and she is nice and loving towards all the family and society but me!
Problems in Marriage and Mother In Law – Please Help
I have no one to speak to regarding this and just do not know what to do anymore.
My marriage is literally driving me crazy
My husband has totally broken me mentally. I mean nothing to him.
I constantly fight with my dad.
What can I do to make this all go away? How can I make my dad understand that I need my personal space, and his support?
Should I leave my husband?
I honestly don’t believe that I have provoked him to ‘deserve’ the beating and bruising. Nor does he seem to care about the emotional pain this has caused.