Tag Archive for ‘prayer’

He has changed to align with Islam but my father doesn’t trust him
I’ve thought of leaving him but I really love him. He is willing to change but how can he prove it to my dad?

I don’t know why, but I am feeling depressed and need support.
I get easily upset with friends over little matters although I am at the end only upset with myself for behaving this way. What can I do to stop this?

My prayer was invalid, but time ran out before I could redo it.
I have been worried about and missing my prayers due to a fear of impurity. It’s either urine incontinence, discharge, or waswas.

How do I repent properly for the “secret habit?”
I’m 16 and discovered “the secret habit” when I was around 7. I didn’t use to do ghusl afterwards. Do I have to repeat all my prayers and fast from that time?

Constant doubts about my prayer
I’ll be in the middle of the prayer and then start thinking “did I repeat the same soorah in both raka’as? did I say the tashahud? Did I read a soorah after al fatiha?” and many more.

I’m having difficulty maintaining my prayers.
Menstruation affects my ability to adhere to Islamic duties.

I made mistakes in my prayers!
For example…instead of “innaka annta,” I was reciting “inna annta.” What do I do now?

Why did psychosis interrupt with my deen?
I feel as-if Allah saved me by placing me in that hospital but I also feel as though the shaytan has won…