Tag Archive for ‘praying’
My parents practice Islam, but they don’t read the five daily salah – how can I pray in secret?
Should I read my salah in secret, as I’ve been trying to do? Or should I try and explain this to my parents… and, if so, how exactly would I go about doing this?
Power of dua
Can someone make dua that Allah makes something or someone best for him and put that thing or person in his qadr?
Not Praying Salah – 14 Year Old
My mother couldn’t teach me… I’m too embarrassed to ask anyone because they will make fun of me.
Confused about my identity as a Muslim
I’m afraid I’ll go to hell for not obeying as much as I should.
A victim of anxiety, depression and loneliness.
I became suicidal… I feel that everyone around me is fake.
Dream meaning about girl praying like men.
We think she is eligible for my brother… what does this dream mean?