Tag Archive for ‘problems with father’
I am getting a big problem with dad
I am asking him to do my marriage with a girl whom I love but he is not accepting that.
Lots of problem since leaving university
Even though I pray my namaz, make duaa and do what I can… I still feel like no-one understands what I’m going through, depressed, lonely and that everyone is doing better than me.
My father ruined my life
He has been my biggest enemy… I want to escape this guilt and hatred that is building in my heart. Can I do suicide if I want to escape this sin of being disrespectful to my father?
My father is addicted to drugs and unemployed
I can’t even seem to forgive him anymore and I am hating him a lot for what he is doing to me, my mother, and siblings.
My brother’s wife has made my life miserable
I thought that I will find a sister in my brother’s wife because I do not have a sister, but this lady made a hell in my life, and turned my brother against me.