Tag Archive for ‘questioning’

Online “Lovers”
I am having doubts about his real intentions on me… Is it possible that he has a wife already?

I’m in severe pain, confused and lost
My second wife always behaves in a way she makes me feel suspect her…

Faith, doubts, religion, Qadr/Predestination
I have been having doubts recently… I want to be firm in my faith and be convinced that all small or big things are act of God.

Allah’s test proving to be too much for me.
I am in a state of major confusion about my religion Islam… I want to be a good muslim, but the test that Allah has willed for me is just too much for me.

What would keep a Muslim man from being married?
By the 3rd day of talking with him online– he says he loves me and calls me his princess…

Mental trauma after divorce
How can I overcome my guilt feeling of divorce and my mental confusions and worship Allah with a genuine sincerity without clouding my mind?

I sometimes lose faith in my religion
I am 15 years old… I question everything including religion. I’m scared I might die only to find out there is no afterlife.