Tag Archive for ‘rejected’

My husband was pushed into marrying twice.. Should i stay or should i go..
He repeats over and over that he did not want to re marry so soon, and that i am the one to blame.

Unmarried at 29. How to deal with the societal pressure and resentment?
I’d like to know how one can deal with the pressure and social anxiety about being unmarried in the late 20s while everyone around them gets hitched.

I want to marry him, but he is avoiding me.
I don’t know what to do – to wait for him or to let him go?

When to stop making same dua over and over?
Please someone help me I’m heart broken I cry every night and all throughout the day.

What is my mistake?
I prayed a lot but Allah didn’t hear that, because I am born to be a nonmuslim girl.

25 and no prospect of marriage! Feel hopeless and broken.
What if it is not written in my life to get married?

Need Dua and advice about this proposal!
My dad called his father to tell him that if it was a no from them then they should’ve had the decency to call and say it. His father said they assumed we said no because we were quiet.

Can a Muslim father disown his Muslim daughter simply because she chooses her own partner for marriage?
Especially if she was happy with marrying in the family but her father had other ideas.