Tag Archive for ‘relocation’

Need guidance to take the right decision
I am in a very difficult situation of deciding what to do regarding my marriage and my family.

I think He Is the One, But…
I feel immense happiness when I see him and sit with him as I feel he is the only way out of my life and depression.

Marrying same girl twice
I suggested that we conduct the wedding in both places… They are doubtful whether it is permissible in Islam.

Can we process my husband’s US visa by staying in Pakistan?
I am American citizen and my husband works in Dubai. It looks problem for me to go to US alone and apply for my husband.

I am not happy with my husband
My husband has made me lie to council and say I am a single mother… If he doesn’t physically hit me he will abuse me verbally.

Should I leave my good job / life for full-time Quran studies?
I may come back to nothing… On other hand, if I don’t take up the opportunity to study now I may regret deeply.

My Palestinian husband wants to move back to the West Bank but he’s horribly abusive
I am deathly afraid of moving to Palestine with him because I am afraid he is going to get worse.

Going back to India with my husband
My husband is adamant we leave this summer… what should I do? He treats me well and I don’t want to upset him, but does this mean its okay to wasting my studies?