Tag Archive for ‘same sex attraction’

Is being biromantic okay?
I’m feeling terribly helpless and I’m losing my faith in Allah’s forgiveness.

Homosexuality issue may Allah forgive me
I’m married to a girl recently. My problem is when ever I get physical with her I lose my interest and am unable to fulfil her desire.

I need a support system
I have been attracted to the same sex ever since I was little. Whether my mind is manipulated by society or the devil has built a home in my heart…

Suicidal because of my sexual thoughts
I try so hard but I get nowhere. Allah is my witness, what’s in my heart is so different to what happens in my brain… Is it still haraam for me to take my life?

Will I be forgiven?
I need help with a few problems… I try to ask Allah for forgiveness but what if it’s not strong enough?

I have Emotional Feelings for my Best Friend who is also a girl
I can’t get rid of these thoughts. How can I forget about her and live a decent happy life?

It’s haraam, but I can’t help it
I’m afraid that I might be gay. I’m really scared, because I have always been taught that homosexuality is haraam.

I still have flashbacks about my same sex relationship
She is the first and the only girl I ever met that made me think that I might like her more than a friend. I always treated her with love and care, that made her close to me. We are two best friends who look out for each other. But the trouble begins here. I felt like I loved her more than a friend.

From a hopeless gay Muslimah
I am a young Arab woman. I am a practicing Muslim and very proud to be. My religion is the most important thing in my life and my dream is to become the best Muslim I can be. I have one major problem though: I am gay.