Tag Archive for ‘scared’

Male friend hugged me on an outing – Scared that my family should not know
I was like I need warm hug. Suddenly he stopped and gave me hug, it wasn’t even a hug just maybe put his arm around my neck and brought it close.

Seeking repentance for my sins
I am 15 years old. I feel so guilty and ashamed… I am terrified I will go to hell.

Parents died and I’m being forced into marriage
After my mom passed away my uncle forced me to get engaged to my cousin. I don’t want this marriage but I am scared. I need help.

How can I cope with my oppressive Mother in Law?
I need to find a way to live in that house without feeling trapped, anxious, scared or depressed…

Helpless and Emotionally Abused by My Mother
I am seriously alone and I am scared and I am helpless. How do I continue to live here? As I have gotten older the abuse has gotten harder to endure.

I’m young and pregnant: Help me sisters and brothers!
Can I marry my partner even though I am pregnant (I always wanted to get married; was just waiting for him to become stable)? Shall I just marry and keep the baby, although I’m so young? Or shall I terminate this pregnancy -and I don’t know know if it will help- and leave my partner?

I want to leave my abusive husband, but I fear Allah’s punishment
I got married when I was 16 and it was an arranged marriage. After my marriage my husband love me but he act crazy. First he doubted me so much not its gone. My husband hits me when he angry…

I happily married whoever my mum wanted me to now I feel suicidal
Last year I found out that I was engaged to a boy in my family, which was very exciting news for me. This is the very same person who I would mention to my mother if I talked to her about my marriage. Recently, I went to Pakistan for 3 months last year in the Summer for my brother’s wedding.

New Convert, Pregnant and Married to Abusive Man
I am a Muslim woman, convert for about a year. I got pregnant and married my Muslim boyfriend, but now he is abusive toward me. I am losing my faith, please help.