Tag Archive for ‘secret relationship’
I have a baby with a Muslim man and he won’t tell his family
I am a Christian woman and I have been dating a Muslim man for 5 years. We had a baby 6 months ago and he said he wants to wait until the baby is a year old until he tells his family.
Can I marry secretly to a girl with whom I am living like a married couple?
What is the process of secret marriage in Islam?
He used me and my family cut me off
He used me and got me pregnant then dumped me, and my family cut me off. I am all alone.
Wanna get married but family make it hard
My mom wants me to marry a guy of her choice and not somebody I want. She would tell me to pick him or her, which is a tough question because I love both of them dearly.
Is his secret marriage valid?
My brother married the maid. His wife doesn’t know and they live in one house. The maid is now pregnant. He said he will divorce the maid after she gives birth but will still provide expenses for the child.
A secret marriage while still married to first husband?
She wants that nobody else should be aware and for the outside world, she will have her hindu name and still married to her hindu husband.
He made me have two abortions – should I marry him?
If he does marry me at least seeing him would finally be halal, and the sacrifices I made would not have be done in vain and if were a secret now at least we can be together properly in the hereafter.
Breaking it to my parents…
I pray every night for them not to ship me away or hurt me or do something horrible. I don’t want to break my family apart, but I wish and pray they accept him and look past his color.