Tag Archive for ‘sexuality’

Homosexual urges and the role of Marriage
I desire very much to get married and have children (if Allah wills) however I fear that I will be miserable.

A Close same-sex friend of mine likes me
A friend told me she had a crush on me… The news spread like wildfire, everyone thought we were together.

I need help – I’m gay.
I have never acted upon my inclinations. I fear that I will never lead a normal life.

I think I am Bisexual or a Lesbian, and I do not know what to do!
It has been happening since my childhood and I have tried everything to stop it, but nothing is changing the way I feel.

Should I lie about my sexuality to my parents?
I just can’t imagine myself with a man and that I should be sexually active with him and bear his children. It just seems not right for me… but I just can’t go to my parents and say that I don’t like men right?

Homosexuality – Why such a hard test from Allah? Test or punishment?
Could someone please tell me – when would the help of Allah come to me? How would I know if it’s a test or am I getting punished?

Suicidal because of gay sexual activities
I have no other choice. I can’t live with it and can’t go without it.

Distressed by sexual thoughts about the same sex
I feel awkward and disgusted when I have these thoughts. I want to marry a man and have kids.

I have Emotional Feelings for my Best Friend who is also a girl
I can’t get rid of these thoughts. How can I forget about her and live a decent happy life?

OCD about my sexuality is driving me mad!
I have become so sick to the point that I can’t eat or sleep, the only time I am not thinking about this is when I am sleeping.