Tag Archive for ‘shame’

I shared my body measurements with a guy online
I explained how this is wrong and I will no longer keep the chat open, and that they should forget me, my measurements, what happened…

At 14 I touched my 9 year old cousin, I am ashamed
I know I did a haram deed and i want to seek forgiveness for it. I want to be good as a person from now . I committed a sin at a young age which I regret . Please help me in giving the proper knowledge.

Ashamed to return to Allah
Allah doesn’t want my good thoughts. Allah doesn’t want my love for quran, for good people, for pious things. Allah doesn’t want my good actions.

I got intimate piercings and regret it!
They were done by a man… I hate myself so much for this. I don’t know how Allah can forgive me.

Not happy Marriage
I’ve been married for 7 months. I’ve cheated on my wife already. I’ve been thinking about divorce but I owe her family 40K.

Pre marital sex and herpes
I had sex with a man I thought I loved and contracted herpes… I feel terrible keeping this a secret.

My parents dislike my in-laws
I asked why did you marry off if you didn’t like this relation and they were like you had a relationship which is bad so if we marry you to good people what if your ex boyfriend make an issue…

I’ve done a sin
I sent him a picture of myself. I told him to delete it but instead he sent it to other people…

Advice on zina
I feel so bad about it. I am still young and have life ahead of me and I don’t ever want to go back to such a terrible thing.