Tag Archive for ‘sins’

Brother made sex videos, repented, but the videos still exist
My brother used to work as a pornstar. Now he repented and left porn, but the problem is his videos are all over the internet and he cannot remove them.

Ashamed to return to Allah
Allah doesn’t want my good thoughts. Allah doesn’t want my love for quran, for good people, for pious things. Allah doesn’t want my good actions.

My pornography addiction is haunting me
I am addicted to pornography and I’ve been trying to stop for years, to no avail. I don’t feel like living at this point. Does Allah dislike me, and what can I do to stop and recover?

Will my future wife also have engaged in sexting?
I never wanted to do this and as Allah says in Quran “Pure women for pure men”. I don’t want my wife’s past to be like mine.

I lied to my family, but the truth would destroy them
I know that if my family found out the truth, it’d hurt them, anger them, lead them to hate me or even hurt me, and could destroy my family and bring shame and embarrassment onto them and me.

I think I am committing shirk, I’ve become an addict too
I’ve tried praying salah. Every time I pray, something bad happens, or I get very lazy and I hear voices in my head. I listen to Quran with headphones sometimes, but lately I’m in a very bad mood. I’m angry that I can’t leave this relationship and save myself.

I lied about a dream.
The dream I made up was a good one, for them to believe good tidings will come their way. I feel like a hypocrite.

If I sin during hardship, will this extend my hardship
When in a state of hardship, is my hardship extended when I commit sins or is this all part of the hardship?

Do you think I’m forgiven I HAVE COMMITED MAJOR SINS
I didn’t make a choice to stop believing in god my faith just went away but then again I blame myself for allowing that type of evil in my life.

I wrote sinful: Where did Allah come from?
I wrote two Facebook posts… Will Allah forgive me specifically for these two sins?