Islamic marriage advice and family advice

Tag Archive for ‘talaq’

He’s given her Talaq so many times… but they’re still together?

I explained to my husband but he won’t accept. He fights with me but he is living a haram life by going to a woman he has divorced.

I feel terrible… but why can’t I cry?

He said he hates me and don’t love me any more and tell me taalaq may be some 10 times.

Divorced in anger – is it valid?

The imam of the local mosque told me that it depends whether my husband from his heart wanted the divorce or not when he was in the state of extreme anger…?

Two talaqs and a khula – can we reconcile?

In this situation i can do nikkah with the same person 3rd time or is it possible after halalah?

Haq Meher on nikkah without Rukhsati

I want to divorce my wife, there is no rukhsati… Can I claim my haq mahar back?

I regret saying talaq in anger

I say my wife Talaque 3 times over the phone when I was angry. If I do touba…. my nikah will remain the same????

Talak out of anger

I just said it three times… This was not planned and I don’t have any intention… I realised I can’t live without her it was a mistake…

Unfair Triple Talaaq

Men delivered a signed triple divorce paper to my house. A few days later they came again to ask for gifts back. Is the triple talaaq in writing valid?

Divorce under form ILA

I took oath on quran not to accept the girl with whom I married… will it be considered talaq?

Can I re-marry my ex wife?

It was a genuine marriage, but she became upset because of his false promises. He sent her divorce by email.