Islamic marriage advice and family advice

Tag Archive for ‘teen issues’

I’m losing my friends

I need my friends and they are going far away from me every second.

I found out my Mom is talking to someone else.

My mom is talking to another man. Now I don’t know what to do.

My male classmates are blackmailing me, please help me

I sent nude photos to my boyfriend, but he leaked them. Now other boys are blackmailing me to have sex with them.

Problems with my concentration and memory power

In class and tuition I am an expert at my work but during exams my performance is very weak.

Have a horrible crush

I feel it was my fault, I shouldn’t have told him in the first place and just kept denying it. But now I don’t know what to do.

I want to marry a white Muslim

I know I’m too young to think about marriage but if I see a future with him I need to be able to tell my parents.

Not Praying Salah – 14 Year Old

My mother couldn’t teach me… I’m too embarrassed to ask anyone because they will make fun of me.

I’m always in bad luck I really want to learn how to pray Salah but I just don’t know how

I believe I’m not so close to Allah the way other muslims are which is why Allah indicates me the consequences of creating distance between the peace and the dunya.

I want to move houses

I hate the place I am living in because there’s nothing to do.

Premarital relationships

When we were together we used to talk about intimate things and other things. But after the break up he only talked to me about sex and I felt so disrespected and guilty.