Tag Archive for ‘threatening’
She is interested in Islam and I wish to marry her, but…
I am jealous against this other guy as he lives in the same area as us and he is very powerful person and has even threatened her if he sees her with another man.
He promised to marry me but married a lady who threatened to accuse him of rape
He says that the girl he has married under pressure is five years older then him and was a drug trafficker (which slipped from her tongue once) and probably was not a virgin (Allahu A’lam) I would have no problem to share my husband with a second woman as its allowed in islam but she is westernised hell, abusive, and i doubt her faithfulness.
He Says: Remove the Hijab or I’ll divorce you
he told me i have to take off or he will devorce with me. we have nearly everyday arguments about that. what can i do? i wanna keep that family. is it wrong to really take it off then he will get better?