Islamic marriage advice and family advice

Tag Archive for ‘true love’

Marriage with my cousin

Her family and my mom refuse saying becuse of cousin marriage is not going to be successful.


He doesn’t know this but I want to marry him!

Hindu boy Loves a Muslim Girl…

Everything is perfect, but I love my family and don’t know how to convince them..

I love and fear Allah, but I love him too

I know it’s more difficult to convince an atheist the existence of Allah. And I fear that he’ll insincerely convert, and we’ll not be able to educate the teachings of Islam properly to our future children. He also once said that he doesn’t really think he could stop our future daughter of converting out of Islam if she were to fall for a non muslim.

In love with my cousin, staying away from zinaa

I have liked a girl for about 7 years and first told her when I was 13 but since we were too young we said we’ll see about it later, (Thinking that it puberty was playing a role in it and hoping it was a crush). About 3 years later in February of 06 she told me she liked me as well and in summer 08 she told me she loved me as well. We got very emotional and we kissed a few times, and then realized what we were doing was wrong I have repented from Allah SWT many times. Thanks to Allah (SWT) I haven’t done any such activity ever.